Save the Date! Pre K - 6th graders and their families are invited to our first annual Elementary Wellness Night on April 16th from 6-8pm. See details below:

There will be a 1-hour delay for Parent-Teacher Conferences today, Thursday, February 13, 2020. Scheduled meeting times will not change unless you are scheduled between 8:00-9:00 am. If you are schedule between 8:00-9:00 am, please call your school to reschedule your meeting.

Sweetheart Smencil sales begin today at SHES while supplies last! $1.00 each with all proceeds benefiting SHES alumni through Pettit Scholarships.

We have made a schedule change to make up for 2 of the 3 snow days. Monday, April 13, 2020, is now a student attendance day and Friday, May 22, 2020, is now the last day of school. All school calendars now reflect this change.

Tomorrow is 80’s day at SHES!

Next Friday, January 31st will be 80’s Day at SHES!

Our SHES Talent Show will proceed as planned tonight. We hope you can join us!

Shawnee Heights USD 450 classes are cancelled due to winter weather conditions tomorrow, Friday, January 17, 2020. Stay safe, stay warm and have a wonderful 4 day weekend.

Shawnee Heights USD 450 classes are cancelled tomorrow, Monday, January 13, 2020 due to winter weather conditions and concerns about parking lots and sidewalks. Stay safe, stay warm and have a wonderful day.

SHES Wellness Fair scheduled for Saturday, January 11 has been cancelled. Stay warm and stay safe!

Shawnee Heights USD 450 classes are cancelled due to winter weather conditions tomorrow, Monday, December 16, 2019. Stay safe, stay warm and have a wonderful day.

Two days left for Major Saver sales! SHES students have sold 299 cards of our 700 card goal. These funds are utilized for our school wide winter break reading books, recess equipment and Ci3t quarterly celebrations for our students. Don’t miss out on these great deals and support of both our school and SH foundation!

The next U.S.D. 450 Board of Education meeting is tomorrow night at SHHS. All are welcome to attend!

Major Saver Discount cards begin today, Nov. 21st and continue until Thursday, Dec. 5th. Please consider purchasing a Major Saver Card from one of our students. Half of the profits generated go directly back to the school and the other half funds teacher grants district-wide!

Come out to the Family Fall Fest on November 16 from 10 am- 3pm. Enjoy a Chili Feed, Craft Fair and for the kids, inflatables, henna and balloons!

Sidewalks and roadways are a little slick this morning. Be careful on your way to school. Give yourself a little extra time and following distance. We are excited to see all of your costumes!

Looking forward to our 3rd and 4th grade vocal music program tomorrow night, Tues. October 8! We hope you can join us.

Tomorrow (Wednesday, September 18) is picture day at SHES!

USD450 Board of Education meets tonight 7:00 p.m. in district PD room at SHHS. All are welcome to attend!

Reminder... no school for SHES students on Monday!