Good afternoon SHES Thunderbolts! Please check out our SHES Scoop newsletter 2/26/21 with important information about our schedule next week as well as Spring Break! Please contact me with any questions 730-5345 or Sincerely, Rebecca Hummer, Principal
about 4 years ago, Shawnee Heights Elementary
Hello SHES Families! February 19th is the deadline to turn in your SHES Stay-Cation order forms and is the last day to submit videos for our Annual Talent Show!! We will compile the submissions and send a link out for all students to enjoy watching over Spring Break! All Talent Show submissions should be no more than 1 minute in length and should be emailed to Thank you!
about 4 years ago, Shawnee Heights Elementary
Lunch Menu Changes: Thursday 2/18 Hot Dog n Bun Nacho Cheese Doritos Cooked Carrots Peaches Low Fat Milk Friday 2/19 Bosco Sticks Marinara Sauce Baby Carrots Pears Low Fat Milk
about 4 years ago, Shawnee Heights Elementary
Good evening SHES Thunderbolts! Please check out our SHES Scoop newsletter 2/15/21 with information about our upcoming weekly schedule, PT conference sign-up link, parent support resources and more! Please contact me with any questions 730-5345 or Sincerely, Rebecca Hummer, Principal
about 4 years ago, Shawnee Heights Elementary
Better Together at SHES
Good morning Thunderbolt families! Just a reminder that today, Monday Feb. 15th, is a remote learning day for SHES. Please make sure our Thunderbolts join online class meetings as well as any LIVE instruction sessions. Please stay warm and stay safe!
about 4 years ago, Shawnee Heights Elementary
Great news! Most of our Shawnee Heights Elementary School teachers and support staff have returned. We are now confident that we have enough staff to move Pre-K – 2nd grade to 4-day On-Site Learning, beginning February 15, 2021. Wednesdays will remain a remote learning day. Grades 3rd-12th will continue Hybrid Learning at this time. Some things to remember as Pre-K – 2nd grade come back to 4-day On-Site Learning. • Each classroom teacher will have their Group A and B students in their classroom together. These students are considered the teacher's cohort group. • Social distancing will not be possible in the classroom due to the increased number of students. • When students leave their cohort group they will be expected to maintain 6-ft social distancing from students, not in their cohort group. • When a teacher's cohort group leaves the classroom, they will maintain 6-ft social distancing from other teachers' cohort groups. • All other safety components of the USD 450 Back-to-School plan will continue to be followed. Follow this link for the most recent 2021-2022 Calendar: On this calendar, red days mark the days that Group A is in the building learning, and blue days mark the days that Group B is in the building learning. Starting February 15, 2021, PreK-2nd grades will now be in the building learning on both the red and the blue days. Days marked in yellow are remote learning days for everyone.
about 4 years ago, Shawnee Heights Elementary
SHES Update
Good evening SHES Thunderbolts! Please check out our SHES Scoop newsletter 2/5/21 with information about our upcoming Valentines celebrations, PT conference sign-up link, virtual spelling bee, Zoom accounts, Second Step program, parent support resources and more!
about 4 years ago, Shawnee Heights Elementary
Our SHES Parent-Teacher virtual conferences for Spring will be here soon. Our dedicated conference dates are Monday, March 1st from 8:00 a.m.- 8:00 p.m. and Tuesday, March 2nd 4:30-8:00 p.m. Please take a moment to sign-up here: If you have any questions, please contact our office at 357-5400. Rebecca Hummer Principal Shawnee Heights Elementary School
about 4 years ago, Shawnee Heights Elementary
Better Together at SHES
Phone lines are down across the district. We are currently working to fix this issue and will let you know when the lines are back up. Thank you
about 4 years ago, Shawnee Heights Public Schools
Dear Shawnee Heights Elementary Families, Thank you for your flexibility and patience while our school recovers from teacher and support staff shortages. We are continuing to experience absences with our classified staff which will have some impact on Tier II and Tier III learning supports for some students, yet we are confident we have enough certified staff and subs to resume back to our Hybrid Learning Scenario and provide all students with Tier 1 classroom instruction. Hybrid Groups B & D will resume their in-person instruction tomorrow, Thursday, February 4, 2021. Hybrid Group A will continue with their traditional remote days for the remainder of the week and be back in-person on Monday. Thank you for all your support during this difficult time.
about 4 years ago, Shawnee Heights Public Schools
SHES Update
Dear Shawnee Heights Elementary Families, Unfortunately, Shawnee Heights Elementary School is continuing to experience significant staff absentees due to COVID-19 positive cases, quarantines, and other illnesses. Due to the shortage of teachers and support staff, it is best for us to remain in remote learning for Monday, February 1st through Wednesday, February 3rd. We will resume in-person hybrid learning scenario on Thursday, February 4th. Please make sure to have your students log-in for their morning meetings each day as well as any live instruction times which will be communicated by their classroom teachers. Please know that we are taking this action to produce the best learning environment possible for your students. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our school's office at 357-5400. Sincerely, Rebecca Hummer
about 4 years ago, Shawnee Heights Public Schools
SHES Update
Unfortunately, Shawnee Heights Elementary School is experiencing a significant increase in staff absentees due to COVID-19 positive cases, quarantines, and other illnesses. We have managed these absences so far this week; however, due to the shortage of teachers and support staff, it is best for us to move from our current hybrid instructional model to remote learning for tomorrow, Friday, January 29, 2021. Fortunately, we have planned for this scenario and are ready to make the transition quickly. We plan to resume our regular hybrid scenario on Monday, February 1, 2021. However, we will send out further communication by Sunday at noon to confirm that we can resume classes. Please know that we are taking this action to produce the best learning environment possible for your students. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our school's office at 357-5400.
about 4 years ago, Shawnee Heights Elementary
SHES Important Update
As a pro-active step to help our families better prepare for the potential inclement weather forecasted for Monday, January 25, 2021, we have decided to switch next week’s full remote learning day from Wednesday to Monday. Group A Schedule – Remote Learning on January 25th, 28th, and 29th. In school learning on January 26th and 27th. Group B Schedule – Remote Learning on January 25th, 26th, and 27th. In school learning on January 28th and 29th.
about 4 years ago, Shawnee Heights Public Schools
Remote Learning Day Switch
about 4 years ago, Shawnee Heights Public Schools
Virtual Wellness
Good evening SHES families! Please check out our SHES Scoop newsletter 1/15/21
about 4 years ago, Shawnee Heights Elementary
about 4 years ago, Shawnee Heights Public Schools
Virtual Wellness
Good Evening Thunderbolts! Just a reminder that we do not have school tomorrow, Friday, January 15th or Monday, January 18th. Both are non-instructional days. School resumes on January 19th. Track A students attend in-person Tuesday and Wednesday. Track B students attend in-person Thursday and Friday. There will be no full remote Wednesday next week. We look forward to seeing you next week!
about 4 years ago, Shawnee Heights Elementary
Elementary students and Families! Join us for our Virtual Wellness Fair starting today, January 13th through January 20th. You will be challenged to find ways to be physically active for 60 minutes each day. Let's see which Elementary school can get the most Minutes to Motion! Follow the link for details on how to play!
about 4 years ago, Shawnee Heights Public Schools
Virtual Wellness
Our SHES PTO will meet tonight via Zoom at 6:30 p.m. All parents and families are welcome to join!
about 4 years ago, Shawnee Heights Elementary
Thank you for a great first week of 2021! Please take a moment to check out our SHES Scoop 1/8/21
about 4 years ago, Shawnee Heights Elementary