Get FREE tickets to visit over 70 attractions across of the state with the Sunflower Summer Program! See the article for details: about 3 years ago, Shawnee Heights Public Schools
about 3 years ago, Shawnee Heights Public Schools
Summer Camps are still available! The Shawnee Heights Youth Speed Development Camp is available to 2nd - 6th grade students starting on July 5th - 15th. Sign up for this camp and others here: about 3 years ago, Shawnee Heights Public Schools
SHES garden work hour tonight, June 14th! 6-7 p.m. Adults are needed to move concrete blocks and soil to make our raised garden beds. There will not be any jobs for children tonight, yet they can enjoy the outdoors as they play on the attached playground. Please bring gloves, shovels/rakes and water! Thank you for your continued support of our SHES community garden.
about 3 years ago, Shawnee Heights Elementary
Good afternoon 6th grade Thunderbolt families! The weather looks to be clear for our 6th grade outdoor promotion TONIGHT at 6:00 p.m. on the SHES playground blacktop outside of our gym. Please make sure to bring your lawn-chairs to this outdoor celebration!
Please contact Principal Hummer with any questions or 730-5345. We look forward to celebrating our 6th graders as they transition to middle school!
over 3 years ago, Shawnee Heights Elementary
Good morning Thunderbolt families! Due to inclement weather, our SHES field days for grades 3rd through 6th have been moved to indoors. This is great news for our students as they will be able to have a field day, yet unfortunate news for parents and families as we will be unable to allow spectators to be a part of these indoor field day events.
We apologize for this inconvenience and disappointing circumstances, yet our SHES staff look forward to seeing parents, families and community members back in our building next school year!
Please contact Principal Hummer with any questions or 357-5400.
over 3 years ago, Shawnee Heights Elementary
Good evening 6th grade Thunderbolt families! Originally the inclement weather plan for our outdoor 6th grade promotion scheduled for Thursday at 6:00 p.m. was to move indoors to our SHES gym.
Due to field day inflatables being moved indoors with the chance of rain, our new inclement weather plan for 6th grade promotion will be an outdoor event at 2:30 p.m. on Friday, May 28th.
We will not make the final decision until Thursday afternoon, yet it was important to share this information with families for planning and scheduling purposes.
Please contact Principal Hummer with any questions or 730-5345. We look forward to celebrating our 6th graders as they transition to middle school!
over 3 years ago, Shawnee Heights Elementary
Looking forward to our SHES field days this week. We hope the rainy weather holds off and families can join us for these special outdoor events at SHES!
Wednesday, May 26th:
PreK/Kdg. 9:30-11:00 a.m.
1st & 2nd grades 1:30-3:00 p.m.
Thursday, May 27th:
5th & 6th grades 9:30-11:00 a.m.
3rd & 4th grades 1:30-3:00 p.m.
over 3 years ago, Shawnee Heights Elementary
Watch the Elementary Orchestra & Band Concerts LIVE at:
Orchestra will begin at 6:15pm and Band will begin at 7:30.
over 3 years ago, Shawnee Heights Public Schools
Good afternoon SHES families! Technology collection is starting in our SHES classrooms. Please take some time to gather your students iPad/MacBook, charging blocks (as pictured below), charging cable(s), and any district hotspots to send back to school. It is important to send all items that were checked out to your student to avoid being billed for replacements of these essential items. Please contact of school office with any questions 357-5400. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Shawnee Heights Elementary
Good morning SHES families! Supply Packs for School Year 2021-2022 are ready to be ordered, and this year is easier than ever!! Let the PTO do your shopping and have your school supplies waiting at the "Sneak Peak" in August.
Simply fill out the form here: , calculate your total and send via Venmo (@SHES-PTO) or send a check to school in an envelope labeled "Supply Packs".
All packs come in a custom SHES tote and are tailored to the wants and needs of OUR teachers!!
Thank you for supporting YOUR PTO!
Any questions? Contact Sarah @ 785-231-8928 or
over 3 years ago, Shawnee Heights Elementary
We hope to see you at SHES tonight between 5-7 p.m. for our Pettit Parking Lot Party as we enjoy good food, great company with our SH community, and raise scholarship funds for graduating seniors!
Newly added to this event are raffle items including... Queen sized quilt ($2 per ticket or 6 for $5), children's quilt ($1 per ticket), and two sets of Disney Park Hopper Day passes for a family of four ($20 per raffle ticket). Raffle drawings will take place at the end of the event and winners need not be present to win. Many thanks to Mrs. Linda Bobbey and our SHES PTO for their raffle prize donations.
Looking forward to a great night at SHES!
over 3 years ago, Shawnee Heights Elementary
Good morning SHES Thunderbolts! It's not too late... families are invited to visit SHES this weekend and chalk up the sidewalks around the school with messages of appreciation & gratitude for teachers & staff as we kick off Teacher and Staff appreciation week!
over 3 years ago, Shawnee Heights Elementary
Join us on May 4th from 5-7pm for our Pettit Parking Lot Party!
over 3 years ago, Shawnee Heights Elementary
Good evening SHES Thunderbolts! Please check out our SHES Scoop newsletter 4/12/21 with important information about our State assessment schedule, Pettit scholarship updates and more!
Please contact me with any questions 730-5345 or
Rebecca Hummer, Principal
over 3 years ago, Shawnee Heights Elementary
We are almost to our $1000 profit goal! There are approximately 90 Smens ($2 each), 30 Smencils & 10 lollipops ($1 each). Tomorrow is the last day of the sales cart visiting each SHES classroom. Thank you for your support of our Pettit Scholarships!
over 3 years ago, Shawnee Heights Elementary
Sales continue today for Pettit scholarships!
over 3 years ago, Shawnee Heights Elementary
Good evening Thunderbolt families! Just a quick reminder that students are on campus for in-person learning Monday-Thursday (March 22-25) this week. Friday (March 26) there is no school for students due to the end of 3rd quarter workday for teachers.
Smencils ($1), Smens ($2), and Yummy-lix lollipop ($1) sales start tomorrow in classrooms while supplies last! All proceeds benefit graduating seniors through Pettit scholarships.
Looking forward to great week at SHES!
Principal Hummer
over 3 years ago, Shawnee Heights Elementary
Good morning Thunderbolt families! Just a reminder that today and tomorrow, (Thursday, March 11 and Friday, March 12) are remote learning days for SHES. Please make sure our Thunderbolts join online class attendance meetings. We look forward to having all students return to the building on Monday, March 15th.
over 3 years ago, Shawnee Heights Elementary
Good morning SHES Thunderbolts and Happy Spring Break! Please check out our SHES Scoop newsletter3/5/21 with important information about our schedule next week as well as our SHES Stay-cation virtual talent-show link!
Please contact me with any questions 730-5345 or
Sincerely, Rebecca Hummer, Principal
over 3 years ago, Shawnee Heights Elementary